You have a great story. Let’s share it with the world!

Teresa interviewing Richard Branson on Necker Island

If you are ready to transform your story into a book, article, bio, or build your personal brand. I’m here to help!

Creating emotional connections with your readers

Your experiences are unique and the lessons you’ve learned from life can inspire others. I transform what might seem to you like simple life stories into inspiring tales that encourage and motivate your readers to take action.

So many amazing people have stories that can positively affect and mobilize others. The only problem is they don’t know where or how to start.

START HERE—with me. I will guide and support you, inform and encourage you on your incredible storytelling journey. When we enter the jungle of your thoughts, I will be there with a flashlight and machete to get you through the unknown and into a vast meadow where your story beautifully unfolds.


My mission is to help you find your authentic voice and tell your story filled with encouragement and inspiration. I help you discover your WHY and transform it into words that INSPIRE others.

I – Innovative approach to telling your story.

N – Newsworthy angles discovered for your project.

S – Seasoned team of editors, designers, and photographers to support your vision.

P – Passionately dedicated to finding purpose in your story.

I – Ingeniously build your story from concept to completion.

R – Respectfully honor your confidentiality and privacy.

E – Empower you with tools to assist you in the journey.

D – Dedicated to successfully sharing your message to the world.


Even Tech Geeks Need a Story

Irving Wladawsky-Berger wrote a fascinating article for the Wall Street Journal about the growing importance of storytelling in the business world. The focus of his piece was on technology companies. It is truly…


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